It's Denver art week and all the museums were FREE on Friday night. So we decided to brave the lack of downtown parking situation and go. This the Denver Art museum in the background. It has a lot of modern and contemporary art. Most of it was pretty interesting considering it was modern art. One of the artists never had anyone who loved him. His art was either extremely depressing or something Brit would see in one of his "freaky, freaky dreams" with David Bowie. Unfortunately the other building, with Europeon art, which was supposed to have some stuff from the Louve, was closed. Afterwards we hit up the museum of Nature and Science. It is huge. We were there for an hour and a half and only saw about half of it.
Now to complain about doing anything downtown. Parking is stressful. It really isn't any worse than any other big downtown city, but it still is open to critisim. One reason it's so bad is the layout of the city. Most of the greater Denver area is a grid with streets running north, south, east, and west. Sounds easy enough. Then you get to the 10 or so square miles of downtown where someone thought it would be funny to twist it so that all the streets run on angles making it easy to get turned around. I'm on 20th ave., take 2 left turns and then I'm on 9th ave. That math doesn't seem to add up. So finding parking isn't just a matter of just finding a spot on the street that's open, it's also knowing how these streets all fit together. Last night I wanted to circle around until I found a spot. Not so easy. So I finally just parked not really knowing which direction the museum even was. Luckily it was only a couple blocks away. Not too bad. I guess I'm just a whiner. Maybe we'll take the bus next time. -Mike