My name is Riley. Believe it or not I am the actual reason for this whole blog thing so I figured I would make a post of my own while my parents are sleeping. What they don't know won't hurt them... right? This is a good opportunity for me to rant about a few things.
1. My pink bear jumpsuit.
- You may think that this looks cute on me. My parents sure do. We went to Rocky Mtn. National Park last weekend, which was cold and windy, and they decide to put this on me instead of my hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. While it does keep me warm, it is big, bulky, and doesn't make riding in my carseat very fun. Not to mention the oversized hood makes it difficult for me to see anything when I turn my head left and right. Cute or not, this thing has got to go, but with winter around the corner I think you will be seeing me sport this a lot more.

2. This Backpack thingy that I have to ride in.
- During our weekend we did some hiking. Just because I can't walk yet, it seemed like a good idea to my dad to stick me, in my bearsuit of course, in this backpack thing facing him instead of where we were going. I admit it is a very comfortable ride, but come on dad, I would like to see where I'm going for once. After getting slightly motion sick it just seemed like a better idea to go to sleep.... which I did.

3. It sucks to be little.
- This wasn't much of a hike to this lookout point, but due to the altitude (over 2 miles) it was very cold and windy and I was forced to stay in the car with my aunt Mary. You can see Grandma, Grandpa, and some random dude in a green shirt looking down into the valley below. Had I not been so small I probably would have gotten a first hand look instead of this picture.

4. Hooked on Phonics didn't work for my dad.
-Here he is, OFF THE TRAIL, on the tundra which, as I informed him later, there was a sign specifically instructing him not to go off the trail. I perhaps could have pointed this out earlier, but...... you guessed it, I was in the car.

Again here we are feeding the animals when we were not suppose to. Great example for me. I suppose I don't really care too much because potato chips hurt my gums. The squirls can have them.

5. Tourists -- Enough said.
- The windy roads through the canyon means that you need to drive slow because you don't know what's around the corner.... LIKE TOURISTS WHO PRACTICALLY PARK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD TO TAKE A PICTURE!!! Yes people parked on both sides of the road and walked back and forth to take pictures of a Ram. Now it is understandable that you have never seen a ram in the wild, but when people are coming around a corner at 40-45 mph you probably don't want to be standing in the road taking a picture.
I just want to point out that I'm in the middle of a walking trail, while I observe nature.... not a road.
That's all for now and until next time enjoy the view.
Oh and I want to say Happy Birthday to my friend McKay who turns four months in a few days. Eat a piece of puree cake for me =)