For those of you who have never been to Denver let me explain something. When it snows, it snows a lot. I mean a lot. For example, over the last 24 hours we have gotten about 1 1/2 feet of snow. Normally this is a major drag, but since many things shut down, including school, it makes it an official snow day! I went all through elementary - high school with no cancelled days. I went through 4 years of college and no snow days. Now that I'm in grad school I have had at least one snow day for the second year in a row. The best part is that it will be melted by Monday.
Here you can see the depth of the snow on the neighbors powerwheels truck.
Here you can see the gloomy day from our porch this morning... ie halfway through the storm.
The best part of a snow day is staying home with the Cutie Pie!