After much deliberation, we decided to spend the last part of my school break in Dallas with Viv's sister Sarah and her family. We always enjoy going down there, but we had done quite a bit of traveling for Christmas and it was going to be a 16 hour drive with Riley. AHHHHH!!!! Luckily we had some ideas to make the trip easier for everyone involved.
First we acquired a free portable DVD player through some mail-in offer. After purchasing a $5 Blues Clues DVD we had part of the trip covered. She watched intently, except for a moment to pose, and when Blue would pause for Riley to guess his next clue she would smack the DVD player with irritation. We still need to work on her patience.
On the trip back Riley was very good for the first 4 hours of the trip. She slept and played with her toys without crying once. As a reward, we let her drive.
Here she is backing out of the gas station.
She is quite the driver and we may utilize her skillz more in the future.