Today, Riley's first tooth broke through! It's a sharp little thing! It's one of her bottom front teeth. Our friend Ashley, who watches Riley while I'm at work, first discovered it and helped it to come through her gums by applying a little pressure. Ashley is so good with Riley and is good at finding out what's bothering her. She gave her little tablets to help with the pain and recommended some baby Tylenol.

While we were in Utah, my mom and I couldn't help but go to a few of our favorite places.

Grandpa Tom came to Denver to meet little Riley. He took the train from Sacramento to Denver where we picked him up at Union Station. After a relaxing trip with beautiful scenery, he was ready to meet his new grandaughter. Riley sat on Grandpa's lap and smiled while he talked and played with her. We barbequed hamburgers, made homemade guacamole, and ate ribs, strawberry shortcake, blueberry coffee cake, fruit salad, artichokes, Costco chicken and lots of chips. We also made sure to get in our afternoon naps. Grandpa Tom has to leave tomorrow morning. The time flew by! Hopefully Grandpa Tom can come out and visit us again soon! Here are some pictures of Riley and her favorite Grandpa.